How to Upload Symbol Files with Symbol-Upload

Overview 👀

Symbol-upload is a cross-platform application that automatically uploads symbol files as part of your build process and is the successor of SendPdbs. Each build of your product that sends crash reports must have an exact set of matching symbol files uploaded to BugSplat.

Prebuilt binaries of symbol-upload can be downloaded on the GitHub releases page. Alternatively, symbol-upload can be installed by npm and used as a CLI tool or a javascript library. We also provide a GitHub Action that can be added to your build workflow.

If you download symbol-upload-macos via a web browser, Gatekeeper will block the application from running. To add the application to the system's allow list, run the following command in terminal

xattr -r -d ./symbol-upload-macos

Feel free to send symbols to BugSplat for every build on your build/integration server. There is no limit on the number of symbols you can post to BugSplat. However, by default, each symbol file must be smaller than 4 GB.

A group of symbols identified by their application name and version is called a symbol store. Symbol-upload automatically creates a new symbol store each time you upload symbols to a unique application and version combination. BugSplat's backend automatically removes symbol stores that haven't been accessed recently. Using our web application, you can manually delete a symbol store.

Using symbol-upload 🧑‍💻

Running symbol-upload in a command window without any arguments shows the following usage information:

@bugsplat/symbol-upload v8.0.5

  symbol-upload contains a command line utility and a set of libraries to help  
  you upload symbol files to BugSplat.                                          


  -h, --help                             Print this usage guide.                
  -b, --database string                  Your BugSplat database name. The value 
                                         of database must match the value used  
                                         to post crash reports. This value can  
                                         also be provided via the               
                                         BUGSPLAT_DATABASE environment          
  -a, --application string               The name of your application. The      
                                         value of application must match the    
                                         value used to post crash reports. If   
                                         not provided symbol-upload will        
                                         attempt to use the value of the name   
                                         field in package.json if it exists in  
                                         the current working directory.         
  -v, --version string                   Your application's version. The value  
                                         of version must match the value used   
                                         to post crash reports. If not provided 
                                         symbol-upload will attempt to use the  
                                         value of the version field in          
                                         package.json if it exists in the       
                                         current working directory.             
  -u, --user string (optional)           The email address used to log into     
                                         your BugSplat account. If provided     
                                         --password must also be provided. This 
                                         value can also be provided via the     
                                         SYMBOL_UPLOAD_USER environment         
  -p, --password string (optional)       The password for your BugSplat         
                                         account. If provided --user must also  
                                         be provided. This value can also be    
                                         provided via the                       
                                         SYMBOL_UPLOAD_PASSWORD environment     
  -i, --clientId string (optional)       An OAuth2 Client Credentials Client ID 
                                         for the specified database. If         
                                         provided --clientSecret must also be   
                                         provided. This value can also be       
                                         provided via the                       
                                         SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CLIENT_ID environment    
  -s, --clientSecret string (optional)   An OAuth2 Client Credentials Client    
                                         Secret for the specified database. If  
                                         provided --clientId must also be       
                                         provided. This value can also be       
                                         provided via the                       
                                         environment variable.                  
  -r, --remove                           Removes symbols for a specified        
                                         database, application, and version. If 
                                         this option is provided no other       
                                         actions are taken.                     
  -f, --files string (optional)          Glob pattern that specifies a set of   
                                         files to upload. For example,          
                                         **/*.{pdb,exe,dll} will recursively    
                                         search for .pdb, .exe, and .dll files. 
                                         Defaults to '*'                 
  -d, --directory string (optional)      Path of the base directory used to     
                                         search for symbol files. This value    
                                         will be combined with the --files      
                                         glob. Defaults to '.'                  
  -m, --dumpSyms boolean (optional)      Use dump_syms to generate and upload   
                                         sym files for specified binaries.      

  The -u and -p arguments are not required if you set the environment variables 
  SYMBOL_UPLOAD_USER and SYMBOL_UPLOAD_PASSWORD, or provide a clientId and      
  The -i and -s arguments are not required if you set the environment variables 
  and password.                                                                 


  symbol-upload -b your-bugsplat-database -a your-application-name -v your-     
  version [ -f "*" -d "/path/to/containing/dir" [ -u your-bugsplat-email 
  -p your-bugsplat-password ] OR [ -i your-client-id -s your-client-secret] ]   




Credentials can be provided to symbol-upload via the -u and -p command-line arguments. OAuth2 Client ID and Client Secret credentials can also be provided for authentication via the -i and -s arguments and are created on the OAuth Integrations page.


The following is an example of how to invoke symbol-upload and search a directory recursively for .dll, .pdb, and .exe files. Replace the values of your-bugsplat-database, your-email, and your-password with your BugSplat database, email, and password. You can specify a glob for the -f argument to match for files based on a pattern.

symbol-upload -b your-bugsplat-database -a my-awesome-app -v 1.0 -u your-email -p your-password -d "/path/to/build -f "**/*.+(exe|dll|pdb)"

You can use the -r flag to remove a symbol store instead of uploading. This is helpful when you create a new build but don't want to increment the build number.


MacOS and iOS builds typically generate .app or .xcarchive files. To upload bundled .dSYM files, point symbol-upload at the .app or .xcarchive file, and use a glob that instructs symbol-upload to search for .dSYM files recursively.

symbol-upload ... -d "/path/to/build.xcarchive -f "**/*.dSYM"

Dump Syms

BugSplat can generate Crashpad symbol files as part of the upload process. The Crashpad symbol files have a .sym format and are useful for cross-platform applications. BugSplat has integrated Mozilla's dump-syms into symbol-upload, which allows developers to skip building Breakpad. To generate a .sym file at upload time, specify the -m flag when invoking symbol-upload.

GitHub Actions

The symbol-upload repo also includes a GitHub Action that's compatible with the default Windows, macOS, and Linux images. Here's a snippet you can add to your workflow:

- name: Symbols 📦
      uses: BugSplat-Git/symbol-upload@main
        clientId: "${{ secrets.SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CLIENT_ID }}"
        clientSecret: "${{ secrets.SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CLIENT_SECRET }}"
        database: "${{ secrets.BUGSPLAT_DATABASE }}"
        application: "MyConsoleCrasher"
        version: "1.0.0"
        files: "*.{pdb,exe,dll}"
        directory: "BugSplat\\Win32\\release"

We have also created an example repo demonstrating how to use the @bugsplat/symbol-upload action to upload symbols to BugSplat.

Improving Upload Speeds

Customers located far away from our US-East hosting location, especially those with high-latency and high-bandwidth connections, sometimes report slow upload speeds. We have several reports of significantly faster uploads after following the advice in the Microsoft technical note:

Last updated

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