

BugSplat supports the collection of errors in Angular applications. The bugsplat-ng npm package implements Angular’s ErrorHandler interface in order to post errors to BugSplat where they can be tracked and managed.


This repository includes a sample my-angular-crasher application that has be pre-configured with BugSplat. A hosted version of my-angular-crasher can also be found here. Before you try the sample, you'll need to create an OAuth2 ClientId/ClientSecret pair as shown here.

Once you've genereated OAuth2 credentials, create a file with the name .env at the root of the repository and populate with the correct values substituted for {{clientId}} and {{clientSecret}}:


To test the sample, perform the following steps:

  1. git clone

  2. cd bugsplat-ng && npm i

  3. npm start

The npm start command will build the sample application and upload source maps to BugSplat so that the JavaScript call stack can be mapped back to TypeScript. Once the build has completed the source maps will be uploaded and http-server will serve the app.

Navigate to the url displayed in the console by http-server (usually localhost:8080). Click any of the button in the sample app to generate an error report. A link to the error report should display in the app shortly after clicking a button. Click the link to the error report and when prompted to log into BugSplat.

If everything worked correctly you should see information about your error as well as a TypeScript stack trace.


To collect errors and crashes in your Angular application, run the following command in terminal or cmd at the root of your project to install bugsplat-ng:

npm i bugsplat-ng --save

Add a database property to your package.json file with the value of your BugSplat database and subsitute {{database}} with the value of your BugSplat database.

  "database": "{{database}}"

Add values for your BugSplat database, application and version to your application's environment files:

const packageJson = require('../../package.json');
export const environment = {
  production: true,
  bugsplat: {
    database: packageJson.database,
    version: packageJson.version

Add an import for BugSplatModule to your AppModule:


import { BugSplatModule } from 'bugsplat-ng';

Add a call BugSplatModule.initializeApp in your AppModule's imports array passing it your database, application and version:


  imports: [

Throw a new error in your application to test the bugsplat-ng integration:


throw new Error("foobar!");

Navigate to the Crashes page in BugSplat and you should see a new crash report for the application you just configured. Click the link in the ID column to see details about your crash on the Crash page:

Extended Integration

You can post additional information by creating a service that implements ErrorHandler. In the handlerError method make a call to passing it the error and an optional options object:


import { ErrorHandler, Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { BugSplat } from 'bugsplat-ng';

export class MyAngularErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {

    constructor(public bugsplat: BugSplat) { }
    async handleError(error: Error): Promise<void> {
        return, {
            description: 'New description from MyAngularErrorHandler.ts'

BugSplat provides the following properties and methods that allow you to customize its functionality:


BugSplat.description: string; // Additional info about your crash that gets reset after every post string; // The email of your user 
BugSplat.key: string; // A unique identifier for your application
BugSplat.user: string; // The name or id of your user
BugSplat.files: Array<file>; // A list of files to be uploaded at post time
BugSplat.getObservable(): Observable<BugSplatPostEvent>; // Observable that emits results of BugSplat crash post events in your components.
async Promise<void>; // Post an Error object to BugSplat manually from within a try/catch

In your AppModule's NgModule definition, add a provider for your new ErrorHandler:


import { ErrorHandler, NgModule } from '@angular/core';

  providers: [
      provide: ErrorHandler,
      useClass: MyAngularErrorHandler

You can also configure BugSplat's logging preferences and provide your own logging implementation. Create a provider for BugSplatLogger with useValue set to a new instance of BugSplatLogger. Pass one of the BugSplatLogLevel options as the first parameter to BugSplatLogger. You can provide an instance of your own custom logger as the second parameter granted it has error, warn, info and log methods. If no custom logger is provided console will be used:


import { ErrorHandler, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BugSplatLogger, BugSplatLogLevel, BugSplatModule } from 'bugsplat-ng';

  providers: [
      provide: ErrorHandler,
      useClass: BugSplatErrorHandler
      provide: BugSplatLogger,
      useValue: new BugSplatLogger(BugSplatLogLevel.Log)

Source Maps

BugSplat supports unwinding uglified and minified JavaScript stack traces via source maps. To upload source maps to BugSplat during your build, install @bugsplat/symbol-upload.

npm i -D @bugsplat/symbol-upload

Configure your angular.json file to output source maps. We suggest enabling source maps for both your application code and any vendor chunks that are generated by Angular.

  "projects": {
    "main": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          "options": {
            "sourceMap": {
              "scripts": true,
              "styles": true,
              "vendor": true

Add SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CLIENT_ID and SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables for the BugSplat user that you will use to upload symbols. You can create these values as system environment variables or use dotenv.


Create a script for uploading source maps.

const { OAuthClientCredentialsClient, SymbolsApiClient } = require('@bugsplat/symbol-upload');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const packageJson = require('../package.json');

(async () => {
    const clientId = process.env.SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CLIENT_ID;
    if (!clientId) {
        throw new Error('Please set SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CLIENT_ID in .env file');

    const clientSecret = process.env.SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CLIENT_SECRET;
    if (!clientSecret) {
        throw new Error('Please set SYMBOL_UPLOAD_CLIENT_SECRET in .env file');

    const database = packageJson.database;
    const application =;
    const version = packageJson.version;

    const buildDirectory = `./dist/${application}`;
    const files = fs.readdirSync(buildDirectory)
        .filter(file => file.endsWith(''))
        .map(file => {
            const filePath = `${buildDirectory}/${file}`;
            const stat = fs.statSync(filePath);
            const name = path.basename(filePath);
            const size = stat.size;
            return {
                file: fs.createReadStream(filePath)

    const bugsplat = await OAuthClientCredentialsClient.createAuthenticatedClient(clientId, clientSecret);
    const symbolsApiClient = new SymbolsApiClient(bugsplat);
    await symbolsApiClient.deleteSymbols(
    await symbolsApiClient.postSymbols(
    console.log(`Source maps uploaded to BugSplat ${database}-${application}-${version} successfully!`);
})().catch(error => console.error(error));

Add postbuild and symbols scripts to your package.json.

  "scripts": {
    "postbuild": "npm run symbols",
    "symbols": "ts-node ./scripts/symbols.js"

For best results, please upload source maps for every released version of your application.


BugSplat loves open source software! If you have suggestions on how we can improve this integration, please reach out to, create an issue in our GitHub repo or send us a pull request.

With ❤️,

The BugSplat Team

Last updated

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