
BugSplat’s Assembla integration allows your team to create tickets in Assembla with as little as a few clicks. Hyperlinks allow quick navigation from defects to crash reports and back. Defects created from BugSplat automatically include symbolic call stack information and other crash-specific data.

Integrating Assembla with BugSplat

  1. Log into Assembla

  2. Click the dropdown next to your picture in the top right corner. Select Profile > API Applications and Sessions.

  3. Register a new application with Assembla and enter the following redirect uri{{database}}. Be sure to replace the value of {{database}} with the name of your BugSplat database. Take note of the Application ID and Application Secret for the application you registered - you’ll need to provide these values in Step 6

  4. Login to your BugSplat account and click on the Gear icon (⚙️) in the top right of the page and navigate to the Database Settings page, and under Database > Integrations > Defect Tracker,

  5. Select Assembla from the options shown.

  6. Enter your Assembla URL (, Application ID, and Application Secret, and click Authorize.

  7. You will be redirected to a page prompting you to allow your integration access to Assembla. Click Allow

  8. You will be redirected back to the Settings page. When the page has loaded, select the desired Assembla Space and click Update.

Creating a ticket in Assembla from a BugSplat crash report

1. Create a new defect from the crash page or a stack key page by using the Create Defect button.

2. Enter relevant details and click the Submit button to create the defect. You can also enter an existing Defect ID if you'd like to associate a crash or stack key with an existing issue from Assembla.

3. Click the link to view the new Assembla defect created by BugSplat.

Automated Defect Creation

Want to create issues in Jira automatically for each new crash or crash group? Check out the document on auto-creating defects in your third-party defect tracker tool here.

Last updated